Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We finally turned Luke's car seat around

Posting from Jan. 10
After Luke's 18mo checkup, we finally decided to turn Luke's carseat to forward facing. The AAP says "toddlers should remain rear-facing in a convertible car seat until they have reached the maximum height and weight recommended for the model, or at least the age of 2." We haven't reached this point yet, but Luke's legs were starting to get cramped facing backwards, and my pedi actually said if he was locking his knees out and kicking the seat, it was probably better to turn him around. So we did.

I thought he would be excited to be facing the same way as Jacob, but he didn't seem to care one way or the other (the seat in David's car hasn't been turned around yet, and the few times he's ridden in it since, he has not seemed to care.)

I have noticed since we turned him around that there has been a lot more whining with the sun hitting his face, but since he continually pulls the sunshade off the window, I can't do much else to help him...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Caroline just hit 21 lbs at 2 years and I guess we turned it around way too early at 12 months !!
