Friday, July 31, 2009
Jacob figuring things out
and the Randomness continues...
Last week was a tough one for Jacob and naps. He was really fighting taking a nap most days. He gets so emotional and fussy by evening time if he doesn't take a nap, so we aren't quite ready to drop it yet. (Plus, I'm not ready for him to drop his nap. I still need that break, even if it is just one kid at a time while their naps are staggered.) This week, I pushed his naptime back about 30-45 min and it seems to be helping a bit.
It has been a few weeks now, and Jacob is getting ridiculous with his lack of eating lately. I feel bad that he goes hungry often (because he refuses to eat what is served to him), but I don't know of another way to get him to eat his meals and not just fill up on snacks.
Monday began a 2 week session of swim lessons for Jacob at the YMCA. The first day, he acted a little shy at first, but with the other 2 kids in his class being so outgoing he was just fine, copying what they did and acting silly. He seems to be having a good time. The instructor said they reviewed basics the first day, so we'll see how things progress as the week goes on. He didn't shy away from doing anything she asked, but he didn't actually "swim" to her like he's done for us.
One of the words Jacob has had a hard time saying is strawberries. Today, for the first time, I finally heard him saw 'strawberries' correctly. I kinda miss the cute way he used to say it.
On Tuesday, Luke learned how to climb on the couch in our playroom. And like everything else, he doesn't just sit or climb up and down. He's "jumping", bouncing, diving to his belly, leaning over the arm rests and climbing up the back. He also climbs up the back of the recliner. I really can't leave him out of my sight for more than about 15 seconds these days. Hopefully this daredevil phase will lose its novelty quickly because it is dangerous and tiresome for me.
Luke is doing great with his sleeping lately. He will make some noise around 5am, but usually will go back to sleep for another 45min to an hour before needing to eat (and subsequently be up for the day.) Weaning continues slowly, down to 3 feedings some days. He gets fussy at times and I think he wants to eat, but overall he's doing ok.
After 4 days of his swim lessons, Jacob has gotten extremely comfortable in the water and is having fun. Hopefully he learns to swim too. We'll see.
The last few days have been a bit better with meals. I think he may have learned that he doesn't get a second choice, especially at dinner so if he doesn't want to go to bed hungry, he needs to eat something.
The new topic Jacob has been talking about lately is monsters. Its funny, because he's not scared of them, just saying they are around, etc.
Luke is starting to follow David around a lot more and walks to him immediately when he gets home. Jacob is getting into the "I want to do like Daddy" phase full force. 2 boys who love their daddy.
Almost 3 weeks ago, we moved Luke up to a size 4 diaper at night because he was waking up in wet pajamas some mornings. I have friends who's children never got out of size 3 before potty training, and now my 12 month old is wearing a size 4 at night (as did Jacob). On the diaper front, Jacob is still in a pull up at night. When we started potty training, he was able to go through the night without wetting, but now, he is wet in the morning most days. Not quite sure what to do with that....
Luke is wearing 12 months and some 18 months clothes. Jacob is in 3T for the most part, but crazy enough he is in 4T in his Disney Cars underwear. I guess they run small???
Luke loves Jacob and would love to play all day with him, Jacob just doesn't let him play. It is cute, yet sad, to see Luke follow Jacob around trying to play.About 2 weeks ago, I realized that Luke didn't seem to recognize any body parts when prompted (shame on me, that is all my fault). So, we have started talking about a few. He picked up on 'feet' very quickly. I said something to the tune of 'what is on your feet' and he reached down and touched his feet. I know Jacob knew several body parts by this age, so I know it is lack of teaching on my part.
Luke is really really into fruit right now, and would fruit all day if we let him. Jacob, on the other hand, has started to become picky and doesn't eat much. As picky as I am, I really can't be surprised if I end up with a picky eater. We are working on it though.
A week ago Thursday, as we were driving to the gym, we were stopped at a red light. Unprompted, Jacob says, "Mommy, red means stop, green means go and yellow means, don't slow down." I about peed my pants when he said that. Definitely a Houston driver in training.
Luke has gotten really fast walking already. He often times will just take off, especially when going somewhere he knows he is not supposed to go. As he's toddling off, he'll take a look over his shoulder to see if you are following, smile at you, then runs off, giggles and hides in a corner.
The biggest adjustment to Luke's walking, is his intensified climbing. A week ago Sunday, he learned how to climb onto our Lazy Boy recliner and now does it all the time. If he would just sit down, I wouldn't worry about it so much, but he just climbs to new heights, onto tables, and leans over the arm rests. Gives me a heart attack everytime. On Tuesday, he figured out how to get onto our couch too(which is fairly tall). I find him on top of all sorts of boxes, play tables, buckets of toys, etc.
Jacob has a book about trucks. He's learned all the names of the different loaders, scrapers, excavators, etc. Excavator is said 'escagator', all terrain vehicle is my favorite, said 'veecaler.' He and Daddy love to read that book and get very excited to say GIANT DUMP TRUCK in a loud, deep voice.Last Friday, I needed to vacuum. Luke got a little vacuum for his birthday, so Jacob decided he wanted to vacuum while I did. He went room to room with me, but he made sure to stay away from the big vacuum. I think he is still a little apprehensive about it.
A new things Luke started a week ago is squinting his eyes when 'crying' and when 'laughing' I think he's doing it on purpose, it's pretty cute.
When we went to the doctor for a recheck last week, Luke had lost half a pound from 2 weeks ago. Honestly, I'm not sure how because he eats so much. I guess all that walking/running around burns a ton of calories.
Unlike any other activity that requires staying in one spot for more than 5 seconds, Luke seems to like putting on his shoes. He will sit calmy and let you put them on. He LOVES being outside, even though it is nearly 100 degrees everyday, and I think he equates shoes with going outside. He isn't all that steady in in shoes yet, but I see progress everyday.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A week in review
Meanwhile, last week was a fun one for us. We got to celebrate Jacob's and Daddy's birthdays on Tuesday,
Here are the rest of the pictures from the week.
Broccoli Casserole
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Happy Birthday
Monday, July 20, 2009
Feeling Better
Jacob had an appointment with the ENT this week too. Looks like fluid is just sitting in his ear causing infection after infection. Tubes will likely be scheduled soon.
After a couple of days with PJ mornings and shopping afternoons, the big event of the week was a reunion with 3 of my best friends from college and their kids. 10 kids all together ranging in age from 1 to 6 years old. It was a wondeful visit, but way too short.
Over the weekend we took the boys to ride kid-sized trains at a nearby park with some family friends. I know the boys would have loved to ride again, but once again, the heat dictated our schedule and we only hung around to ride the train once.
Luke's sleeping last week was much much better than the week before when he was sick, but still not back to the feeding schedule he was at before getting sick. He was still waking most nights in a coughing fit about 3 or 4am and then was ready to eat.
Weaning slowly continues as we've dropped to only 4 feedings most days (including the early morning one.) He's walking all the time now and getting quick. Though he doesn't talk much yet, he does have a new favorite word- "wassat?" (meaning what's that, we think) which he says while pointing at something.
Jacob's favorite phrase of late is "are you happy?" He's starting to learn about/pay attention to emotions a bit more lately and likes to ask if you are happy. Ironically, he often asks this question of me after he has been scolded or punished. Of course, my answer is no, I'm mad or angry or sad or upset or frustrated because of what just happened. What is his response? "Mad again?" I wonder if he is trying to tell me something...
Here are the rest of the pictures from the week